Is internet killing our inner-creativity?
We all are surrounded by the internet. Anything we want, we get it in front of our eyes in fractions of seconds. Internet is proving to be our right hand. But the most important con of the internet is that it is killing our inner creativity completely.
Although the internet may prove useful to us in many fields, still it makes a person lazy and molds his/her mind in such a way that he/she is not able to think many creative things on their own. We tend to rely on the internet for almost everything we do in our life. We lose the power to imagine things. We are not able to convert our imaginations into soul reality.
The more we will try to do things on our own, more sharp our minds will become & more easily we will be able to reflect our creativity.
The feeling we get after doing a given task on our own, without using the internet, is really amazing. The given task, completely done on our own reflects our creativity, our real talent, our real potential to achieve something.
So its the time, we should stop relying completely on the internet and unleash our original talent. Wisely use the internet to get ideas and inspirations, not to get influenced by it. Use the internet as an advantage, don’t convert it into your lifeline.